South Western Drilling

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South Western Drilling

South Western Drilling has been providing environmental drilling and geotechnical drilling services in Australia since 1997. We provide our clients with exceptional service on sites throughout Australia and the South Pacific region

Our clients include environmental and geotechnical engineering consulting firms, petrochemical companies and university research departments.

We are recognised as being a leader in providing the latest technologies for site characterisation, our management and field staff have an attitude for providing a safe work place that is second to none in the industry, whether we’re carrying out a vibracoring project in the middle of the ocean or sonic drilling as part of a research project.

Our fleet of drill rigs include 8 Geoprobe direct push rigs, 2 Sonic drill rigs and 2 Longyear geotechnical rigs.


Our team at South Western Drilling have applied their drilling services on an array of large-scale projects across Australia and the South Pacific, working with...

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About Us

South Western Drilling provides a wide range of services for environmental and geotechnical site investigation.

Recognised as a leader in our industry, providing cutting edge site investigation techniques.  We strive to set ourselves apart by continually delivering high quality service, a safety first work environment and the latest available technology.

South Western Drilling has developed a team of highly experienced personnel, continually providing training to further our skills in all aspects of our business.  Our staff are committed to providing outcomes that exceed expectations and building long term client partnerships.

Our drillers and technicians are highly trained and receive ongoing training in all aspects of our industry.

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